[laurenlum.travel.blog] “COVID-19, America, and the Dangers of Being Connected”

In Paul Virilio’s Speed and Politics, he describes the open sea to “compensate for every social, religious and moral constraint, for every political and economic oppression, even for the physical laws due to the earth’s gravity, to continental crampedness” (Virilio 65). In many ways, this relates to how many viewed the Internet at the time of its introduction to people’s home machines. The Internet was supposed to represent a rebirth for information; it would allow people to access any type of knowledge that they wanted, connect individuals from across the country, and serve as a medium to share your ideas and stories. And it certainly has, allowing information to travel at an unprecedented rate and people to connect from all over the world.

This can be compared to the shifting paradigm of the Renaissance. With the advances in transportation and spread of information, the world became more connected during the Renaissance. Just as the Internet represented a rebirth of information, the Renaissance experienced a rebirth of thought that was reflected in art, architecture, innovations, and many other establishments.

But the ‘open sea’, as Virilio describes, does not only free people from oppression and physical barriers; the open sea “became the right to crime, to a violence that was also freed from every constraint” (Virilio 65). The freedom of the open sea did not just serve as a medium for free travel and thought, but an expansion of violence and war. The changes of the Renaissance reflects this as well; along with innovations in medicine, art forms, and transportation, there were innovations in war. Weapons became deadlier, easier to use, and more indiscriminate with who they targeted. 

The expansion of the Internet and the freedom of knowledge is no exception to this behavior, and the way America is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic reflects it. America has fairly liberal laws on Internet usage, and while this has allowed the spread of ideas and knowledge, it has been just as good at spreading disinformation. During this pandemic, many people have been helped by looking at trustworthy websites (such as the Center for Disease Control’s website) to learn more about how to stay safe and how to avoid endangering themselves and others. But many have turned to the Internet to look for what they want to hear; that the disease is fake, that it is a conspiracy, that the virus is ‘not as lethal’ as the CDC warns. This type of information, found in tabloids and conspiracy videos and certain online communities, is just as proliferous as information from reputable sources. This type of misinformation is not without consequence; with armed protests happening in many cities and groups of people refusing to quarantine, these people pose a serious threat to all Americans. In one of his notebooks, da Vinci wrote, “Let no man who is not a mathematician read the elements of my work” (da Vinci 9). As elitist and highbrow as it sounds, it has some truth given our current situation- many times people will read legitimate information, but will not have the proper background to realize its legitimacy or use it in a productive way.

This severe response and militant disbelief serves as a haunting reflection of what the open Internet serves for in democratic countries. Compared to other countries, America’s internet is relatively ‘free’, and government censorship is limited. In response, the media and the Internet has been flooded with misinformation and biased pieces that are passed off as ‘news’. Instead of using technology to get educated, most people use our many sources of information to confirm their long-standing biases. This is a stark contrast to authoritarian-ruled countries like China, where the Internet is heavily censored and technology is used as a government tool to control their population. This heavily controlled Internet is easily able to control massive groups of people by only allowing government-approved ‘truths’. And while this does not fit the idea of the ‘open sea’ as Virilio imagined it, this type of control has worked frighteningly well during the COVID-19 pandemic with many areas of China having quarantine restrictions lifted already.

While the outbreak is far from over, I hope America’s response will put our usage of the Internet in speculation again. This incident, and many incidents before now, have shown that misinformation is extremely dangerous, and that the spread of conspiracies and biased articles have deadly consequences. Only by addressing these problems can we prove that the Internet can be used as a free, open medium to spread thoughts and knowledge instead of being a favorable tool to control the public.


Your depiction of the situation is excellent — but I am more reserved about your conclusions.

You may also be interested to read Elizabeth Eisenstein’s fine history of the printing press. Similar misinformation occurred during the early expansion of this technology.

Misinformation is not extremely dangerous — nuclear weapons are still more dangerous.

Misinformation may not even be the problem at all, but rather illiteracy (cf. your Da Vinci quote). Please note that it took several hundred years for even a modicum of literacy to become widespread (in early US history, literacy was a requirement to vote — but AFAIK that typically meant nothing more than the ability to sign your own name).

Also: the history of copyright law also plays a significant role.

Finally, you may also be interested to read some of my own work regarding “retard media” — a good starting point might be How to define “retard media”.

Keep it up! 😀

[2020-04-29 09:19 UTC]

#copyright, #da-vinci, #information, #information-literacy, #literacy, #media-literacy, #misinformation, #online-literacy, #printing-press, #propaganda, #publishing, #rational-media, #renaissance, #retard-media

Media + Information Literacy (MIL) learning activities all make use of low key smartphone technology — a fun and dynamic approach that brings excitement to any youth training

Keywords: africa , curricula , learning interventions , media and information literacy , milli , multiplier , namibia

The lead-up to the production of the media clips is where the real learning happens. What makes good news? What agendas can be behind news? What is propaganda and how do I recognize it? What are the risks with consuming and sharing news via social media? All training nurtures critical thinking and critical awareness.

Raising awareness about the existence of ‘online bubbles’ and ‘echo chambers’ forms part of that. It looks at the agendas of online actors, and how they, through the use of algorithms, present you with news and adverts that will fit your interest. It results in a limited view on the bigger issue.Most youth in Namibia do not shop online. Therefore the online commercial world will not find an easy entry point to target the individual with advertisements. But this might change.


#advertising, #africa, #bubble, #echo-chamber, #echo-chambers, #education, #information-literacy, #literacy, #media, #media-literacy, #namibia, #online-literacy, #propaganda, #training