I wonder what life has in store for me starting today

I’m apprehensive. I have yet to be alloted accomodation since I want to stay in the campus itself. Lets see how things turn out. I’ll apparently be allotted a quarter with 2 bedrooms. For me, that would be ideal as long as I get someone to work with me.

“My First Day at Work”

#accomodation, #apprehensive, #campus, #ideal, #life, #lifestyle, #living, #living-quarters, #nervous, #quarters, #room, #rooms, #together, #work

[shemeansbold.wordpress.com] “RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME!”

I have always thought that I connect with people who let me into their lives, not entirely but if I know certain things about them, I like them better. So here are 20 random facts about me which you can be interested in.

  1. I am born and brought up in Mumbai, India- I’m 17, I have amazing parents and an elder brother. My dad is a surgeon, my mom is a nutritionist and my brother is currently pursuing MBBS.
  2. I am a South Indian- my dad’s a Tulu and my mom is Konkani, however, I can speak neither. Hindi and English are my sweet spots. A little weak marathi too.
  3. I am a huge Bollywood fan- I have grown up watching Anjali-Rahul and ofc Poo.
  4. Never trouble me while watching cricket – ofc it started with a huge crush on Virat Kohli (posters, newspaper cuttings, photos, etc) and I started loving the sport.
  5. I am scared of all animals and have never liked dogs– you can judge me all you want but dont get a dog in front of me, I will jump out of the window.
  6. As every kid I also wanted to be a doctor till 5th std, but “mujhse zyaada padhai wadhai nahi hoti”- that’s why I took arts. just kidding.
  7. Have not been to a concert – I wanted to go for JB’s concert but ‘Ammi nahi maani’ thank god. we all know how it went.
  8. I am shit scared of theme park rides.
  9. I like baking, I have done a photography course and I have also learnt classical dance, hip hop, etc.- I will get a Job somewhere.
  10. I know people are going to judge me but I absolutely love watching tiktoks, I can spend hours doing that. I tiktok and chill.
  11. My life mantra is WWBWD- what will Blair Waldorf do? I absofuckingutely love her.
  12. Again everyones gonna judge me but- I am a huge Bigg boss fan, I defend people, I shout at my family for talking in between. fun fact- we spent my birthday at home coz bb finale.
  13. “Who cannot fall in love with New York City”- I have never been to NYC, but that’s my dream destination and yes I’m planning to visit it soon.
  14. My zodiac sign is Aquarius and I do try to find who my ‘soulmate’ is gonna be. I dont remember but I do try to find out hehe.
  15. I am a water baby. I love water rides, swimming and I plan to do snorkelling or underwater diving very soon.
  16. I can spend hours watching James Charles tutorials because I love makeup.
  17. I am a sucker for stationery- they say diamonds are a girls best friend, for me its pens, diaries, highlighters, sticky notes omg.
  18. I am not a foodie but I love crispy chicken burgers. Also, I cannot tolerate spicy food. I just can’t-
  19. I am completely a coffee person. never really tried tea except for green tea.
  20. I hate– heat (totally a winter person), being left on seen/like and wrong grammar.

This is just really random facts, I hope you guys can connect with me through this and those who knew these 20 facts about me, drop a comment. also those who relate to me, leave one too. I will try to be regular as possible but do follow me on Instagram. Thank you if you read this far and I hope I didn’t disappoint.

Hi Su 🙂

Is Suhaani your “correct” name — it’s beautiful, are you afraid people will misspell it (I almost did 😉 ).

Why is writing your “escape”? (as it says in your “tagline”?)

🙂 Norbert


[2020-04-26 14:14 UTC]

#about, #about-me, #connect, #escape, #escaping, #fact, #facts, #life, #like, #people, #random, #tagline, #write, #writing

[https://upperperk.wordpress.com] “Staying connected in a disconnected world”

There are few people I know who are more involved in others’ lives the way I am. That is not meant as a slight to others or a pat on the back to me. I use it as information to give credibility to the information I plan to share. As soon as this virus hit, my world of connecting spun out of control. Normally I literally sit with 10 to 12 people a week outside of meetings and my other church and life responsibilities. As a result, I had to take a hard look at what connecting looked like now that I couldn’t connect in the traditional ways. Going into week 3 or 4, I have already lost track, let me share a few things I have learned and am learning.

  1. Rest is important. As I learned what to do, I have also learned that I too need to take this time of readjustment to do a better job of unplugging, slowing down and learning what stillness before God looks like better. So those of you driven ones like me, read and apply this first.
  2. Limit your time in the news and news feeds. What does that have to do with being connected? If you are constantly trying to stay connected with all that is available through the various sources of news and information you will literally use all your time in what can easily create additional stress, frustration and confusion. You can also go the other way and watch so much comedic snippets, videos and the like that you have no idea what and who are even alive😊. The challenge is real then to have any time to try to connect to and develop further your relationships with people.
  3. Be willing to go old school. Pick up your phone, no, not to text, but to call. Yes, I said call. You know where you hit the numbers and talk to a person on the other end? There is nothing quite like hearing a human voice when you can’t talk face to face. There are also free teleconferencing lines that you can use to talk to a group of people. Another practice I have found is writing letters. I am taking time each day to write a couple of letters of encouragement or connectivity. Taking the time to think through who and what you want to write is helpful to process the blessings you have in your life. It’s also a great way to get the kids involved. Pull out the construction paper, crayons and markers and have them write little notes or make pictures for people and mail them off.
  4. Technology can be connecting. There is tech that is all one sided but there is also interactive tech. Why not use Zoom or WebEx and invest in discipleship, Bible studies, family game nights or other creative things? Seeing a person and hearing them when you can’t be with them is a shadow of the norm but at least it is a shadow. It also grows the longing to be able to be together again.
  5. Do a drive by. There are ways to stay safe and distanced without taking risks. I have been stopped as I walked on the side of the road, had people talk to me from the sidewalk as we stood in the driveway and even chatted from car to car. There are some of you who would not feel comfortable doing that at all and others that did not even think of that and might like to try it. Above all, follow the safety guidelines set up, but these can be creative ways that you can see each other when you can’t be with each other.

These are just a few things that I have done. Maybe my thoughts will get some of your own going too. The bottom line is this: connectivity is a command not a suggestion by God. So, when you can’t connect the way you want to, why not try some alternative ways until we really can all meet again.

Hello Pastor 🙂

you mention technology — most people do not consider natural language to be a technology, but I do. For example, “connection” is a very important concept to me (and my work) — and it is via this concept (and more broadly, then technology of natural language) that I found your post.

As far as I know, (natural) language is also first and foremost in the Bible. It’s right there in Genesis 1:1 , right?

I wrote this recently:


Do you have an opinion on it?


🙂 nmw

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[2020-04-09 12:28 UTC]

#church, #community, #connect, #connected, #connecting, #connection, #connections, #language, #life, #relationship, #relationships, #write, #writing, #written

Written = Dead ?

Is writing — are written words — dead?

I don’t think so, but I’d like you to tell me what your opinion is.

In the meantime — while I wait — I will write down my ideas into short notes and similarly flexible media constructions.

Please: Speak up! Comment! Opine! etc.!

#alive, #dead, #death, #idea, #ideas, #language, #life, #live, #text, #word, #words, #write, #writing, #written